No milk?


It’s been 7 or 8 days now since I had my baby boy and we haven’t been able to get breast feeding to work at all and I really want to since I didn’t get to with my first. We can’t get a latch but the lactation nurses can and he gets more milk out without the nipple shield but I haven’t gotten him to latch without it. We finally gave up yesterday after trying twice on each boob and he ended up scratching my nipple so bad I just cried. I keep pumping and I make sure to pump even when I don’t want to and I’m still only getting 5ml out of each boob and sometimes 10ml on a good day with the boob that produces more. I’m getting more and more frustrated because the lactation nurses say I’m doing everything right but obviously I’m not or something would be working. Plus he doesn’t have tongue tie they checked in the hospital.

I’m tired of supplementing formula because I’m not producing.