2yo won't nap 😔


I am currently 10weeks pregnant and dealing with the excessive exhaustion that is bringing on. I also have a 2yo that I planned on taking advantage of his nap time to take a nap myself. Except he has decided he does not want to nap anymore. On days that he does not nap he gets extremely cranky from about 5pm on. Which just makes my exhaustion even worse. I don't know what to do. His schedule usually goes like this:

7am wake up, 7:30 breakfast, playtime til lunch, 11:30am lunch, 12pm -2pm nap time, 3pm snack, playtime til supper, 6pm supper, tv time til bath, 7:30 bath, reading til bed, 8:30pm bed time.

He sleeps all night and doesn't have a problem waking in the mornings. He is not fighting the nap. He just lays there wide awake, quietly, the entire time.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm desperate at this point....