Welcoming Betty Mae


After a rather short and easy labor, Betty was born on 9/7/2022 at 39 weeks. Unfortunately, she has giant boogers like her grandpa and uncles, and one of them broke in half when they were clearing her nose after delivery causing a few issues with her breathing and temperature regulation that was discovered just a few hours later and she was moved to the NICU. We discovered said booger piece two days later but by then the mucus had drained into her lungs and she had pneumonia. Finally, at 8 days old, the pneumonia was gone and her breathing and temperature regulation was where it should be and we got to take her home. I'm happy to say that she's such a trooper and never stopped eating, going from her birth weight of 6lbs 9oz to 6lbs 15.8oz at discharge, and always made the entire NICU aware that she was unhappy about something, diaper, checking her temperature, being hungry, anything.

I'm so thankful for the nurses and doctors at out hospital. They were all so kind and even after I was discharged there was a time or two they called me with updates before I could call them in the morning before hubby and I headed in. More than one nurse genuinely wished us well when we left, including a postpartum nurse that took care of me in the recovery unit after Betty was already taken to the NICU and so had never met her.

I'm so happy(and exhausted) to have her home and so proud of everything she's already accomplished in such a short time, including giving mommy an anxiety attack... 🤦‍♀️