Getting babies to sleep


Ok so I have a 2.5 year old and an 8 month old, they are exactly two years apart. My 2.5 year old slept through on and off since the age of 6/7 months. We’ve recently moved house and at first he would go to bed fine, we could say goodnight and he would go down on his own, the same for his naps (he’s recently dropped his last nap so I don’t bother anymore) within the last 3 weeks he REFUSES to let us leave the room when he’s going to sleep, he cries to the point I can feel his heart breaking and I can’t do that to him so we’ve moved his bed next to our bed, so now I don’t just have to stay in the same room as him, I have to hold his hand, fair enough I can live with that if it makes my son comfortable. Well tonight I had to get in his little toddler bed which is literally side by side with our bed and have my face touching his face to get him to go to sleep.

I’m exhausted. I got my son to sleep at around 8.39 now I’m feeding my 8 month old daughter to sleep which will take me at least 90 mins. What can I do if anything? I can’t let my babies cry but am I being too soft with them? I’ll literally lie here holding my sons hand and the other sucking on my boob all night for comfort and my back is killing me. I’m tired and I just want to go downstairs and socialise for an hour or so until it’s time to do it all again. Thanks for listening if you’ve made it so far I’m not sure it all makes sense x