Welcome to the world


Kaiden Joaquín born September 18th, 2022 at 6:06am. Weighing 6lbs 12oz & 19.8 inches long. This birth experience was so different from my first. I had Braxton Hicks contractions all day on Friday and they went away at night. Then Saturday barely any Braxton Hicks and as soon as I went to bed around 11:30 PM the contractions started. They got stronger by 1245 and I woke up my fiancé to tell him. We both agreed it was too early to go to the hospital as they were not close enough together so I waited and around 2:45 AM they got very strong and close together so we decided to leave to the hospital. We got to the hospital about 345 went to admissions where my water broke! I was 7 cm Dilated and they sent me to the delivery room. At 5 AM I got my epidural and my son was born an hour later at 6:06 AM.