Anyone else struggling to gain weight?

l y s h✌🏻 • Mama x 5 🤍 + 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

I am almost 28 weeks and I’ve barely gained 7lbs (I had Covid at 13 weeks and a stomach virus at 18 weeks) .

We have done growth ultrasounds and baby is a little small but only by like 5 days. I feel like I’m eating a ton and just can’t seem to gain

This is my fifth baby so I have some excess weight on me but not a lot. I’m 5’4” and started at 155 and now 162.

It makes me feel like I’m failing baby cuz I know I need some more weight gain and dr is starting to get concerned.

Am I alone? Anyone else struggling with this?

27 weeks here. Belly obviously there lol