AITA? ***Trigger, post is about predators***


My mother in law watches my daughter frequently. Sleepovers, picks her up from school on Wednesdays etc. So, ALOT. My daughter has a room there, with toys and clothes and is represented all over the house with pictures.

Gonna rewind to explain the living situation. So my MIL's best friend lives with her. She's been there the last two years, ever since her husband went to prison for 3 years AS.... a convicted predator. He was found guilty of having p*rn with minors depicted and some horrific pictures.

I never questioned the living situation as its not my place. My MIL's friend seems harmless, but is a bit if an alcoholic maybe. I never questioned the aftermath of when he was released either, because.... i didnt care. I didnt think i'd be put in this situation.

Fast forward again to just this past weekend. My MIL came to my daughters soccer game. We followed her back to her house, to get a few of my daughters school things she'd left there.

THE PREDATOR had apparently gotten out of prison the week before. He was at her house when we arrived; but we(my MIL knew, but not us) didnt know until this next interaction. My daughter stepped into the back yard, and my MIL says to the predator WHO LIKELY PANICKED. "OH no, no its okay. Mommas right here." AS IF, i was aware the threat was there. I marched my daughter so fast to the car, got in an started it then YELLED to my husband that we were leaving NOW.

I was mad. I was HORRRENDOUSLY disgusted by her choice of company and the situation she just put us in. In that very second, Grandmas house was no longer a safe 'drop by when you want' place. I went home and stewed on it. Then i presented her with an ultimatum while expressing my DISGUST for her choice of company.

I explained much of my stance, but basically said all or nothing. He either MAY NOT be allowed at your home EVER; or my daughter will not come to your house again. Ever. And if you choose to continue that relationship, allowing him inside your house; i want all my daughters pictures taken down and her personal belongings returned to us.

I AM DISGUSTED to think about a predator seeing pictures of my child, and being allowed near her items.

My MIL called my husband. She has yet to speak to me. She stated she did not understand why it was a big deal for him to be there while my child wasnt there at the time. My husband is on my level and agrees the predator has no business coming around.

So, AITA? or are my MIL's lack of morals showing, and im a god damn protective parent.