37+3 Milan is here! IUGR baby induction, natural quick labour


This was my second pregnancy and so much different then the first!

I was having weekly scans with Milan since 20 weeks as after I had covid drs noticed his growth had been slower - from 10 to 3 to below 1% average

Anyway at my 37 wk appt they advised induction the next day which was very surprising to me but we agreed 😯

Induction went a bit like this

> Overnight admission with balloon foley

> slight contractions, subsided overnight

> in the morning midwife confirmed balloon is out, I am 3cm but not in labour

> waters broken at 11 am

> 2 hours later still not in labour

> having lunch and chatting with midwives

> drip started at 2pm, contractions begin instantly

> very painful contractions and shakes

> 2:30 ish 😮‍💨 gimme epidural

> midwife confirms 6cm, we may have time for epi, pages anaesthetic team

> 2:50 ish anaesthetist arrives and starts positioning me (dying over here) and setting up

> suddenly I can feel the head pushing

> onto all 4s, 3 minutes and 3 pushes later baby boy is with us 🥰

Overall labour was about an hour, thank goodness I didn’t get the epi as Milan got taken to NICU for some breathing support after such an quick labour and I was able to walk there with him straight from labour suite.

He ended up being born 37+3, 2600kg (10% after all!!), discharged home after 2 days

Love 💕

Good luck to all, giving birth is such a powerful life changing experience!!