Toddler is a nightmare

I just had my 2nd baby a week ago and my 2.5 year old girl has been a complete nightmare. She’s literally the hardest part of having a new baby so far.

I don’t know what to do. I feel so guilty for saying this and thinking this, but I can’t stand being around her because all she does is scream and throw tantrums, and I’m already exhausted from breastfeeding around the clock so I have zero patience. Every single thing becomes a reason for a tantrum. We maintained her routine the same, she goes to daycare in the morning and comes home and just fusses over everything.

I know this is a huge transition for her over anyone else, but I don’t know what else to do. I try to include her on things with the baby (feedings, diapers etc) to get her less jealous but nothing is working. Anyone else dealt with this and has tips?

My biggest thing is how guilty I feel because all I can think about is how I can’t wait for the weekend so my parents can keep her overnight 🥺