I’m so irritated (baby name rant)

So here I am almost 32 weeks and my baby still doesn’t have a name. It’s not that I haven’t picked one for her but her father is being such a hard ass and apparently doesn’t like any name I pick. I ask him everyday “any names?” And it’s always a look or a “not yet”. I’m so sick of it! I’ve had a name I loved for her picked out since 20 weeks and I’m fine if he doesn’t like it but he’s not even trying to help figure another one out! I want to order a few custom things and I can’t because I don’t have a name. It’s frustrating and at this point I’m tempted to name her myself and say f him. These hormones have me raging about this issue and I just needed to get this out before I go crazy! This is probably stupid but thanks for reading lol