What would you say?


I met this nice mom last year and I like hanging out with her, except her kid is crazy and doesn’t respect boundaries at all.

He constantly attacks my son by hugging him SUPER hard, tackling him onto the ground, saying rude stuff, just being completely opposite of my son. My son looks so uncomfortable around him and his mom is a push over and doesn’t correct the behavior.

She told my son “touching is his love language, just let him know you don’t want to be touched” but when my son does say something, the other kid doesn’t listen. I don’t want my son to be around someone who teaches him that when he speaks out, he won’t be listened to.

He’s rowdy, my son is not. Last time we hung out, I walked in on him CHOKING his older brother. He threw so many tantrums, he’s ADDICTED to the tv and games to the point where he even ignored my son to play one. He screamed “I HATE YOU” to his mom and bunch of times and my son told him “you shouldn’t say that to your mom that’s not nice”

He did a bunch of other weird concerning things.

I asked my son how he felt about hanging around him and he said sometimes he likes him and sometimes not. He would come home from school and say they were friends OR he was his bully. I don’t want my son to be around someone who doesn’t respect boundaries.

Sad thing is that his mom and I get along great, it’s been a while since I had a friend. I’d have no issue just us hanging out, but I don’t want our kids to be around each other. Last time like actually scared me.

She wants them to be best friends because my son is a good influence on him but her son negatively effects my son a lot. He doesn’t act like himself afterwards.

She just texted and asked if we could make regular play dates because her son misses mine so much. She wants to start adult game nights too.

I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to just NOT respond!

Plus she keeps saying I should leave my son there and pick him up later so that’s making me feel weird. Like she suggested a sleepover several times (we don’t do those), or I can just drop him off and come back later and she will watch him. She just likes to have a bunch of kids over and she always has a random kid/ kids over. My son is 6, I’m going to be with him I’m not just gonna drop him off at some ladies house I hardly know!

She said we should have a play date once a week and I should pick him up at dinner time. To me that seems weird. It’s odd to keep suggesting that I leave him there. Is that weird to you or am I paranoid?

What should I say?