Side Sleeper Question


Hello Beautiful Moms!

Moms who have side sleeping babies - this one’s for you. My son has been sleeping on his sides since the time he was three weeks old due to strong moro/startle reflexes and it was the only way we could make and keep him asleep. Fast forward to now - 4.5 months - he has gotten used side sleeping, that now he refuses to sleep on his back unless he himself turns on his back during his slumber.

It has been two days now that he has started rolling over from back to belly but not the other way around yet. He is able to lift his head though. Now I worry! Because when asleep he wants to get on his belly - sometimes I wake up middle of the night and he is fast asleep on his belly; and, I did notice that he does sleep comfortably that way until the time he wants to flip.

General practice say babies should sleep on their back due to SIDs. This is keeping me worried, no matter how much I try to make my son sleep on his back - he refuses.

I also worry if constant side sleeping is bad for his spinal development too - this maybe just in my head though. I just consolation that this is fine or if I’m doing something wrong.

Any mommies in similar situations with advise?