Tips on potty training!


Can I please have all the tips on potty training?!😵‍💫 my 3 y/o is refusing to even go in the bathroom. She was potty trained almost 6 months ago but then we moved, I had another baby, etc. and now she’s back in diapers full time.

We tried the other day and she SCREAMED for a diaper. Wouldn’t get off the couch for an hour until we put one on her. I’m not one to give in but I assumed it just meant she wasn’t ready?

I bought her a little potty, a paw patrol potty seat, tried the no diaper for a few days (didn’t get very far), tried underwear but she just pees in them, treats, a sticker chart.

She starts school Monday and she is allowed to be in diapers but after this class she has to be potty trained. Please help😭