Intense pressure in face and stomach 32 weeks pregnant


Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen. My OB wasn’t sure of what it could have been. My OB didn’t seem concerned so I’m not too worried just curious to see if anyones experienced anything similar.

Monday night I was sitting on the couch with my toddler and all of a sudden got really intense pressure on my stomach and pelvic area. Baby was moving like crazy (really felt like she was having a party) at the same time that started happening, my head and face started building pressure. My eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my head from all the pressure and my heart was pounding. I couldn’t catch my breath, face was getting flushed and I got really dizzy like I was going to pass out. It lasted (what felt like) maybe 15 minutes of this happening. Then later that night I went to bed and it happened again but for a shorter period. Nothing since then until this morning I woke up really early to the same thing but less intense and it only lasted a couple of minutes and went away. My OB didn’t seem concerned so I’m not too worried just curious to see if anyones experienced anything similar.