Daycare help???


My little one is almost three and she’s been to daycare pretty much since she was about 6months. Quick backstory around the time she was 6/7 months her dad an I split. I continued taking her to daycare on my weeks and him he refused as him mother stayed home not working. Over the years I have told him that he needed to take her and be consistent so she gets better with it. (She has always had a hard time being dropped off. Like crying and screaming cuz I have to leave for work) he still didn’t take her. I recently just got appointed to have them weekly due to a move out of town and she started back in daycare Monday. She didn’t cry the first day but since Tuesday she has been crying and saying she doesn’t want to go like usual. I u Ferdinand fits a new routine for her and just the first week but I feel so sad having to leave her crying. P.s might I add the minute I leave her teacher said she is fine the rest of the day.

Any mommies have suggestions on how to go about this ???? I know it takes time to get used to but anything helps.