Horrible Gas Pain, Anyone?


I'm almost 11 weeks with this baby. It's my 2nd baby and 3rd overall pregnancy, 1st having ended in miscarriage at 6 weeks. I occasionally got random gas pain with my daughter (my 2nd pregnancy, 1st born) but this time it has been NO JOKE. Like, debilitating pain that makes me want to cry. I go to the bathroom for a few minutes and I'm fine after that. Is it normal for gas pain to be this bad? I'm going to call my Dr. in the morning but I wanted to see if anyone else has had this experience as well. I'm currently sick as well so I'm not sure if that has something to do with it. Baby was perfectly healthy and measuring on time with my first ultrasound but I'm so paranoid after having a miscarriage with my 1st pregnancy that things like this keep me up at night.