MIL trust issues


My MIL and FIL are babysitting my 2.5 year old daughter and 7 month old son for a week and staying in our house while we are away out of the country for a work conference/beach trip. They are driving from St Louis to Milwaukee where we live (6 hr drive). I already don’t trust my MIL, she is very narcissistic and it’s always her way or the highway. She still treats my husband like her baby boy and sometimes it’s tense between us as the daughter in law.

Well MIL called my husband yesterday saying his sister gave her 2 weeks notice at her job and she could also come and babysit for the week while we are gone. His response was “that sounds like fun!” I however am not amused and think 3 ppl in our house would be too many when we are already leaving the kids for a week. I don’t want them to be too far off their schedule (not expecting perfection but again I don’t trust MIL). I also feel like MIL shouldn’t have the power to invite her own daughter to come stay in OUR house for a week to help watch OUR kids, that should be me and my husband’s decision. I’m already nervous about leaving and am contemplating cancelling the trip if they can’t abide by our rules and comfort level.

With MIL it always feels like “if I give an inch she takes a mile” and I can’t keep letting her control the situation or my marriage and swaying my husband without consulting me first as his wife.

Please tell me I’m not crazy for feeling this way?! I always feel like they paint me out to be the bad guy….