Oh this dream I just had … 💭

Soo here I am sleeping and I ended up having tus dream that made me “wtf did I just dream of!?l

So basically the first dream I had that I can vaguely remember is me and my ex bestf on vacation. It’s a weird vacation. Which basically revealed the true her.

The second dream that I vaguely remember is me buying a clear blue red strip test just to see what the hey ya know.

But my brother ends up lifting up the back of the toilet where the water and inside flusher is… there were 2 already used pregnancy test just floating at the top of the water. We’re just looking at them and looking at eachother like “…?wth” and Idk why hut I’m trying to see if those tests read positive or negative. Lol ikr. I couldn’t tell but I ended up using the bathroom and taking the test I brought. So I did and within the time fram until the time frame was over … the test was developing into a positive. So I see it and I’m watching it develop til the time frame. I did. I leave for sometime and go somewhere. I come back to relook at the test. Still the same. So I take it apart !? It’s clearly reading positive but the “type of blood” that was to help read the test said it was too dark to be a positive so the test was really a negative lmfaooo. All of this was happening at 3dpo in my dream which I am 3dpo today. 🤣

Then I ended up seeing this girl I knew whom had two boy toddlers of the same age but only one was her child and the other was for me to take care of till we found his peoples.

The other dream was of me and my man. Which was a part two of my HPT dream. Basically he bought this girl he knew over to my place bc he thought that ish was going to be sweet ! I leave the room to grab something and I IMMEDIATELY come back to them jumping up from being nose to nose CLOSE. I immediately started to fight the girl BAD. Then I hit him a couple times to where he started leaking. I felt that was enough and I left. It was crazy bc I was going to hit him with my positive pregnancy test but he ended up bringing his friend over which turned into a disaster and I said fk it. It’s just me and mine. Fk him and her.