Husband hurt my 2 yr old daughter out of angef


My husband shook my two year old daughter out of anger. She was throwing a fit-he picked her up, shook her while sternly saying “what do you want?!?” I saw the whole thing happen. We talked and he said he needs help and counseling. Which is a good start. I told him he can’t be alone with the kids. I have 2 kids-2 year old and 5 month old. He is their father. What should I do? I’m scared this will escalate. He’s never hurt any of us before. At least not that I know of… the only thing he’s done that makes me question his ability to be alone with the kids is that he got drunk while he was watching my daughter. No one else was around. Just him and her. I feel like this stuff happens often. But I don’t care. My babies and myself are safety is first priority. I just don’t know what to do from her. I feel terrible for my daughter.