Reflux +blood


My baby is 5.5 months old and has had reflux since birth. There’s days he spits up 20-30 times a day.. keeping up with laundry has been the biggest task. My doctor/ any doctor or nurse I’ve come in contact with is well aware of the issue. I’ve been told as long as it’s not causing him pain and his weight gain is good it’s not an issue.

Well this morning he spit up and there was brown old blood in it. Not a lot but probably a pea sized amount. My sister works at a hospital and asked a nurse about it and she said it’s not urgent unless it keeps happening or the amount is greater and told me to keep an eye on it and make an appointment with my family doctor and of course if it worsens to go to the er. I did call my family doctor just waiting on a call back. Just wondering if anyone has had this happen with reflux?

I’ll add he’s spit up multiple times since and it was regular spit up with nothing in it. He also isn’t in pain and don’t seem to be bothered by it.