Nyla Nicole 💕


I’m still in awe of my labor and delivery. It was the smoothest most relaxed labor I could’ve imagined.

Water broke at 7:45am, I was contracting but having zero pain. Got to the hospital at 11:45, checked my fluid and cervix, I was 3cm. Got my IV, got checked again 10 mins later, I was 6cm. Still no pain. Got to my room at 1pm. Because I went from a 3-6 in such a short amount of time I was worried the pain would hit me out of nowhere, so I chose to get the epidural. It immediately kicked in and then at 6:56pm during the Cowboys halftime 😂 and after 3 pushes Babygirl was in my arms!! She’s such an angel. 8pounds 7 ounces. She latched on with no problem. Barley makes any noise lol we’re soo grateful and in love! And I can finally sleep on my stomach again!!! Ahhh 😌