3 month old not sleeping well at night


I'm at my wits end because all of a sudden my 15 week old baby isn't sleeping well. We've transitioned him to his crib in our bedroom because he's outgrown the moses basket 🧺. But the past 2 nights he just won't settle. He keeps crying when placed in his crib and will only sleep if I hold him or lay him next to me in bed. I haven't really slept for 2 days now and feel on edge 😫😭 and just so tired.

Please has anyone gone through similar and what worked.

He has a bedtime routine. He occasionally has colic and I give him infacol. Could he be teething as he keeps sucking his hand or is it a growth spurt. He used to sleep 6 to 7 hours at night and now its either 1½ or 2 hours