Can anyone relate?


I’m 21 years old, and while I thought turning 21 was great I’ve now found myself in a weird space in my life. Where I don’t feel entirely like an adult, but I’m not a kid, and a lot of my friends aren’t moving in the same direction that I would like to move in.

I struggle heavily with anxiety and depression, and no one in my family or friends understands. But I am so angry, all the time. I don’t want anyone around me, and I really do appreciate the people who are trying to help me but sometimes hearing someone say “just try to be positive” makes me more upset than it should.

I don’t really know what to do, I know it isn’t my friends faults at all and I love them. And I know my parents are trying to help. But I kind of just hate everything. My job is annoying, I don’t want to see my friends, I don’t want to be around my family, I don’t even really want to live in the city I’m in anymore. And the last few weeks I’ve been alone most of the time because I’ve been in such a shitty mood (which I’m okay with) but the more other people try to push me to go out the angrier it makes me.

I’ve had a really hard time explaining this to other people and I don’t really know what’s going on myself, but I was hoping maybe someone could share their experience if they’ve had a similar one. Any help would be appreciated

(Disclaimer: I am in therapy and seeking help, I just thought it would be nice to hear someone else’s story)