Not feeling confident


I just need to vent, get some reassurance something.

I’m 8 weeks 4 days.

But I’m feeling nothing.

My boobs aren’t sore anymore, I’ve barely felt off at all.

I had a ultrasound at 6w6d and all looked good.

By now with my daughter I was vomiting multiple times daily.

But with my first miscarriage this is how I felt. I felt nothing. I had a ultrasound at 7 weeks then too and all was fine but by my 12 week scan, the baby had stopped growing at 8 weeks and had no heartbeat anymore.

I’m so scared and nervous cuz I feel like it’s happening all over again. I can’t get seen by the doctor until the end of the week and even then there’s the weekend to wait before any results would be in.

I had the slightest spotting last night and I just feel so stressed and negative towards this whole situation and I’m just so scared. I also took a pregnancy test this morning and the line is so faint vs strong ones previously.

I know stressing is no good but I am trying so hard and I just feel like a mess.