6w4d brown spotting πŸ˜±πŸ˜”


Had the scare of my life yesternight. Woke up to pee and after i saw very very light brown 🟀 with very thin tiny thread-ish lines stains with i wiped. My heart sunk!! The brown flow was almost unseen until i push the tissue paper a bit. It was more of a stain than a spotting. Haven't been able to sleep allnight im worried.

Peed a couple of times after and there was nothing there again.

My worry is i dont feel pregnant again 😭😭😭😭. No nausea, bitter mouth or pumping heartbeat. I feel perfectly fine but for occasional mild light cramps. Im scared and dont want to go to the hospital.

Is this normal 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭