Who waits?

I have a 2 month old and a 3 year old. Who waits in these scenarios?

1. Toddler sick crying, newborn crying due to colic.

2. Toddler's bed time (needs a bath, and no, skipping is not an option. brushing, medicine), he is sleepy and if ready, will fall asleep in 5 minutes but newborn is too tired and wants to sleep but doesn't fall asleep immediately. Risk of toddler sleeping on couch if not attended to or baby crying for hours if he is too tire.

3. toddler hungry, again, new born is currently feeding and needs another 20+ minutes.

4. Toddler tantrum because he wants to play but newborn needs to sleep. Toddler screaming waking new born up yet can't play while carrying a baby trying to sleep.

5. Toddler messing the toilet. Trying to poo, his urine missed the hole and needs to be wiped before spreading it everywhere and help dressing up again, while newborn was just swallowing his delicious breast milk.

6. Toddler hungry and newborn did a big poo that it went everywhere and they need a shower.

5. Finally. Both toddler and newborn sick, because of mom guilt, you kept toddler too close as he needed you and now new born is sick too.

And no! There is zero help

I have been faced by such situation at least every single day and at this rate, I feel like am about to run mad. I can't win with both. On the one hand am turning my new born into a screaming baby, on the other hand my toddler is having tantrum spells. Any advice on how to handle these situations and balance the two.

Mamas of two or more that are close in age. How did you do it.?