Just need to vent 😩

Currently 40+5, which I know is not even *that* far past my due date. My first two were both a week early and my third was born at 40+3 so I guess I’m just getting so antsy. 7 days ago I started having contractions pretty consistently. Thought I was in early labor. But then they stopped. Since then it’s been on and off contractions all day everyday. They’re short and intense but I would not say painful. As of 2 days ago I was 6cm dilated, 90% effaced, and baby was at 0 station with a slightly bulging bag of waters. I REALLY want to let my body do it’s thing without intervention but this is getting so old! I did end up having my midwife sweep my membranes and I’ve been doing everything I can - sex, walks, drinking red raspberry leaf tea, nipple stimulation. Idk what else to do. In 3 days I have my next OB appointment at 41+1 and we will be breaking my water to hopefully make things happen, which makes me so sad tbh bc this is my absoluuuute last pregnancy and I just really did not want to artificially break my water or get induced or anything crazy for my last. It’s going to be a home birth and my 2nd baby was such a quick labor. Super similar to this where I dilated up to an 8 and fully effaced before I had my water broken and then he was out 3 hrs later. I think that’s why I don’t want to break my water bc I feel like it could have been even better had I left my body alone to do it’s thing. I’m just really feeling tired and my body just hurts 😞 and just emotional/can’t think rationally it feels.

So thankful for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby and all of that but ugh this last week has been so exhausting.