Advice, reassurance and prayers please


This is going to be a long post if you’re willing to read it, thank you so much!

I was induced on 9/28 (38w) and had my son on 9/30 at 3:03 pm. I had to have an emergency c section because they lost fetal heart tones I was fully dilated and ready to push baby was in +4 station. Prior to this. (Only about 30 minutes) his heart rate had been up and down and the nurse reassured us that it was okay and normal she kept coming back every few minutes to adjust the monitor cause they kept losing his his heart beat or it was staying too high. The final time the nurse tried to find his heart rate she couldn’t and after a few minutes she yelled for the doctor. The doctor asked for an internal monitor when she got it placed the nurse informed her they didn’t have the corn to connect it to the monitor so another nurse had to go find one in the mean time the doctor had me push, I pushed 3 times in one contraction with little to no progression as few minutes later the nurse got back with the corn and my sons heart rate was 32 so she rushed me to c section 9 minutes later my son was born not breathing so they intubated him, he has seizures from the time he was born till about midnight every 5-10 minutes. He was then transferred to a NICU a few cities over where they could provide him with a cooling treatment to slow down his body and prevent brain damage. He is rewarmed now but still very very lethargic doctors say the medications (phenobarbital and Keppra) have nothing to do with it and it is brain damage that is causing him to now wake very much. We got his MRI results this morning and he has a 3mm brain infarct on the left side.

Has anyone been through this and can share some insight on what this will mean moving forward. I know nobody has answers because each baby is different but I know there has to be other mothers out there that have been through similar and I really need advice/reassurance.

If you have read this book long post will you please pray/send your best wishes for my son that he will live a healthy enjoyable life still and for his brain to make a good recovery from all this trauma.

Finally, does anyone have any idea what could have caused this? All the doctors say they don’t know, everything was fine my whole pregnancy, baby was fine the whole induction his vitals were perfect till those last 20 minutes, I understand we will never know for sure but I feel so angry and I just want to know what happened to my boy a part of me feels like they should have done something the second his vitals went wonky but I know they know what they are doing aswell.

Some more details of my induction (idk if it matters) :

3 doses of cytotec

12 hours of cervadil

Foley balloon (came out an our later)

Started Pitocin at 1 am 9/30

Had my water manually broken at 11 am 9/30

Epidural at 6 cm at 1 pm 9/30