Reaction to marmite??

My baby is 9 months old and stayed at my MILs yesterday. Weve been quite strict with weaning her onto solids as she is lactose intolerant and we had all sorts of problems when she was born getting her onto a milk that suited her.

Since picking her up from MILs, she crying lots and very unsettled all night last night and had a really upset tummy and explosive poop in the night that was full of mucous and her butt is covered in a horrible red blistery rash now. Shes also snotty and her breathing sounds very wheezy.

My MIL admitted she gave her a little bit of marmite on toast, shes never had this before. But nothing else other than the food we gave her which shes regulary had and been fine on.

Does this sound like shes reacted to the marmite?? As shes never had it before and the only new food she was given. Theres quite a few ingredients in marmite so I’m not sure what the culprit would be now.