First Ultrasound - Subchoronic Hemorrhage


Hi Ladies,

Had my first ultrasound yesterday afternoon and baby looks great with a heart rate of 162, however, they found a 1 cm subchoronic hemorrhage. The tech asked me if I’ve had any bleeding, which I haven’t, but that scared me because I just had a miscarriage 2 months ago!

This is my second baby and have no experience with these hemorrhages, has anyone in this group experienced anything like this before?

Tech said not to worry because it’s so small and will most likely absorb, especially since I’m not bleeding or spotting but I feel like I can’t catch a break in pregnancy. 1st baby I had preeclampsia, 2nd baby lost to miscarriage, now my 3rd pregnancy I have a hemorrhage😫

I don’t even see where it’s located or what it looks like but I’m guessing it’s that small white shiny line at the top of my uterus.