Help! I need advice on Nurse strike or growth spurts!


My baby girl is 2 months old today and the past few days have been hard. She has ALWAYS been an easy baby and would breastfeed constantly. If she were to cry she would get my breast and IMMEDIATELY calm down. Friday night we were driving to go camping and as we arrived she was SCREAMING I took her and offered both breasts and refused! We could not calm her down until we were able to and as we tried giving her a bottle we slipped my nipple in her mouth and she took it, monday afternoon she did it again she would not take it, I kept thinking she was so tired I had to hold her and rock back and forth and shushing really loud to get her to relax, same thing happened tonight but i couldn’t console her! I thought I wasn’t making any milk because sometimes she would take it and start crying, but I felt my breasts and they were full! I don’t think she’s eating! She has dirty diapers though! Please help she refuses a bottle and is BARELY sleeping. I looked up thrush symptoms and it doesn’t look like it’s that. Is she on a nurse strike? Is she going through a growth spurt? How long will this last if it is one of those two?! Please comment your experiences and what helped you!!

PS going to message my MIL who is also a midwife to see what she thinks!