Tired of people wanting to see baby


Anyone else completely over family asking to see the baby??? We have immediate family asking to see our baby CONSTANTLY and it’s basically like once a week they ask but theres 6 “sets” (parents on both sides, 2sets of grandparents, and 5 siblings) and they each ask like once a week!!!! Meanwhile we went through a move between when baby girl was 1week old and just finished moving at 4weeks old (rain and my husband being on night shift made the process slow) and most of them helped us with the moving process so they expected and got to see her pretty frequently in the beginning. Im over it. Everyone has different schedules we would have to work around and I have to try and stick to baby girls schedule too (which was messed up for a week when we were moving). Also them making me feel guilty for not wanting to see anyone right now makes me want to see them even less!!