hcg quantitive help please


10/07 i got a positive on my pregnancy test all faints i took over 5 test i then told a digital it was negative a day later i took another it came out positive both. i went to the er to confirm like i did with my first babygirl she’s 1 years old. the doctor ran urine test and blood test, my urine test came back negative and my beta hcg came back 21mUl/mL and i was told i’m indeterminate i went back home took another test it resulted in positive both rapid and digital. today i started bleeding and cramping i went back into the ear (a different one) they ran a urine test also it resulted in negative they then did another blood test and it came back as 52mUl/mL they said my results looked the same and they were negative but i don’t understand how. one male dr said i may have had a miscarriage and the nurse says it may but be blood i may still be pregnant but the male dr had no clue what a clear blue pregnancy test was so it concerned me but i was told to follow up with an obgyn im not sure why tho someone please help

first test (10/09)

second test (10/12)