6 year old tantrums 🥴

After school he’s always so tired/strung out. I usually make him a healthy snack and he watches a show for 30 min atleast. Yesterday my husband gave him chocolates after school. I wasn’t home right away. When I got home he was awful. Defiant, bratty attitude.. till I figured out he had sugar. His attitude quickly turned to tantrum screaming, to which I told him calm down in a firm voice because his baby sister was getting scared. He then turned into crazy mode when I told him take some long breaths and to sit in his room to calm down. His dad ends up bothering him, picking him up when I ask him to leave him alone so my son hit his dad and that turned into him spanking him and him screaming even more and crying! He then started hitting himself in the face saying “I’m stupid” over and over and that he hated us. It was probably the worse thing I’ve ever seen and I was angry at my husband for even spanking him. Aside from the sugar I think he might have anger issues he doesn’t know how to deal with. I try to help as best I can but it’s also tricky with the baby. Lately he’s been taking her toys, bouncy seats etc and throwing them or kicking them. I’m still figuring out splitting my attention but of course baby comes first most times. My husbands gone a lot also. Any advice?