Ectopic Pregnancy - Symptoms?


Has anybody had an ectopic pregnancy with no bleeding?

I have pain on my mid right back side, at a specific spot, which comes and goes. I took clearblue with weeks indicator to see if HCG was increasing.

Last period start date was 7sep2022

Ovulation was 24/25 Sep2022 according to clearblue ovulation test

First positive pregnancy test was 4oct2022 but I had mild cramps that week which I read was normal

Took weeks indicator test on 7oct2022 which showed 1-2 weeks

Took 2nd weeks indicator test on 10oct2022 which showed 1-2weeks

3rd weeks indicator test on12oct2022 showed 2-3 weeks. All tests were taken with first pee of the day.

When should the test start showing 3+ weeks? I might take another one to see if it has increased but I worry I am overthinking and spending way too much money!

As of two days ago, I am having upper back pain as well.

I still feel mild cramps come and go, the mid back pain at a specific location near spine which also comes and goes but is moderate in pain, and shoulder pain between shoulder blades going up. I was also feeling the chills yesterday which I read is normal with hormones increasing. This is my first pregnancy so I have no idea what to think. I worry about something happening as my husband will be out of town for the week. It has been hard to find a doctor to see me as I live in Ottawa and have no family doctor (everywhere is full). I will be heading to a walk-in clinic on monday.

Edit: I also have mild pregnancy symptoms. Very rarely nausea, i used to have more gas/heartburn but not feeling this. Breast soreness have also gone from moderate to mild pain.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you!