Discipline help


My son doesn’t turn 3 for another week and I can already tell 3 is going to be a hell of a ride 😅

For background, he’s always been a hitter. Whether happy, mad, frustrated whatever. He got waaaay better and practically had stopped until about a month or so ago.

We’re very big on not hurting other peoples bodies, being kind, being a good friend etc and I’ve always been very strict on him not being allowed near our bodies if he’s going to hurt us. So it’s especially frustrating that it’s coming back around and also now includes kicking.

Second big problem is he thinks he’s funny. He’ll laugh at us when we try to be stern or correct him and basically takes it all as a joke which is also infuriating.

So my question to you ladies. How TF do I discipline him when he thinks everything is a joke? We do make him take a seat to think if he’s being especially bad. And if I have to increase that I will, but I’d prefer it be more of a reflection tool vs a constant punishment if that makes sense? Any thoughts? Tips? Anyone else in the same boat?! ‘Terrible twos’ was not a thing for him. But so far the lead up to three is 🤪