I should be pregnant

Shaycie • 21🌱mama of 3☀️ 11 angel babies 👼🏻 TikTok/ Insta- Shaycie.jane

I should be pregnant.

I should be 8 weeks in a couple days

I should be having my 2nd ultrasound

I should be planning a gender reveal

I should be setting up my baby registry

I should be feeling all the pregnancy symptoms

I should be celebrating with family….

I should be….. but I’m not.

Because I am 1 in 4, i am 1 in 10, I am part of that 1%

I just had my 5th miscarriage, I’ve struggled with PCOS not problem getting pregnant but my body has such a hard time carrying a baby. It was unexpected but I was happy & excited but now it’s gone & I want it back. All I can think about is what should’ve been, I wasn’t ttc but now I want to be because I want my babies back!! It doesn’t seem fair! I’m blessed with 2 beautiful little girls but I still have 5 angels in heaven. I pray to hold them all one day. I pray I’ll have my 3rd rainbow baby one day. I pray my body will be able to carry them full term.

I love you baby semi👼🏻 always with me🤍