Help to conceive

Jada • 25 Trying for baby #1 w PCOS!

Hi! How big of a factor do you feel like weight loss or exercise in general helped you conceive? As much as I want to get pregnant, I don’t feel healthy enough to do so and feel a little selfish trying to at the moment. I’m currently 245 and have been on metfm 2 yrs and Spirofor 5 months and my periods are finally starting to regulate which is great however I know there are a lot more issue being overweight and pregnant. Were there any other things you did that you felt helped you significantly? Water intake? Sleep? I’ve tried vitamins but they always seem to make my periods get worse and even more unpredictable. I am 24 so I know I still have time, but I want to prepare my body in a way too. I also don’t know when to test for ovulation but cycles are typically 28-32 days. Any tips are greatly appreciated