9 days late with nothing but indents.


I’m 9 days late. I got bloodwork about 4 days ago that was less than 3. I’ve taken test after test. All I’ve gotten is indents or negatives. So annoying! I hate first response and do use other brands, but FR is my go to because it detects so early. I can’t believe I’m 9 days late with no AF in sight.

I do think it was a chemical and I just haven’t bled yet, but I’m not sure. I keep hoping I am pregnant, but I know in my heart I’m not. Just late. I’ve seen stories of people being two weeks late before a positive, but I doubt it in my case 🥺. The blood work would have picked up something by now. This wouldn’t be my first chemical, but I just can’t accept it. Any positive stories similar to my case? What could cause low hcg or one of those pregnancies that don’t get detected?