Should I call my doctor?

Just • Mommy to Oliver


I’m currently 37+2. I’ve been having consistent back pain. I’m sure it’s just from my baby’s head against my spine as he’s sunny side up. So I decided to take a long warm bath to help relieve pain and while I was in there I had 4 big gushes of fluid. I honestly couldn’t tell if I had peed or not. It did seem that every time I moved, more came out. And some final fluids came out when I stood up. I was in the bath for about 45 minutes. I haven’t had any leaking fluid since other than going pee. And it’s been 3 hours. Back pain hasn’t gone away but I’ve given up hope on that. Could my water have broken? When I had my first, I had one large gush and didn’t leak again until he came. And with my other two, I was induced and don’t remember how much I leaked as I was laying down and had epidurals. Could this have possibly been my water breaking? Or is it more likely I peed since I haven’t had any more leaking? If I call my OB they’ll send me up to L&D and I rather not if it’s a false alarm. Advice wanted here.