Advice-(long post sorry)Doctor not listening to me?

I'm having my 3rd girl, this is my 10th pregnancy in total. We suffer from recurrent early miscarriages but have made it to the second trimester with this pregnancy. Some back story: Due to my last birth my doctors are saying I need a c-section for future births because I'm "small and you make big babies" I'm 5ft and my girls were 6lbs 8 oz and 7lbs. My mil is my size and my husband was 9lbs 6oz 🙄. The second one got a little stuck on her way out and they claim she had mild shoulder dysplasia. I really just think I wasn't pushing fast enough for the doctors liking even though I only pushed for 15 minutes. It was my second induction even though I didn't want induced. I have high BP near the end of my pregnancies due to anxiety and I don't like doctors and hospitals, and they never said if I had protein in my urine which would show that it's pre-eclampsia. I'm all for taking necessary precautions for a healthy baby and safe delivery when it's medically necessary, but if it's just how my body is and it isn't an actual issue then I want to plead my case to try and go naturally into labor when baby is ready. At least to 40 weeks.

My doctor has already said we'll be looking at a c-section due to the notes left by the last doctor that did my last delivery. That we will "Maybe consider pushing if baby does not measure on track near the end of pregnancy" since my first was "growth restricted" and supposed to be 4 lbs but wasn't. So they do additional ultrasounds at the end for any pregnancy for now on for me (but I'm not complaining about seeing my little babes more hah)

I've been working on my anxiety and finding my voice lately but I'm so scared to try and express my absolute unwant for a c-section. I know emergency ones are harder on them and so on but I just want it to remain a last resort. Our bodies can do it if you don't rush them. I wish I could use a birth center but my insurance only covers so much and due to my history and being high risk technically I'm sure I'd be denied anyways.

I just really want to give my doctor an altimatum that I will be given the chance to make it to 40 weeks and if baby doesn't come by then, we can schedule an induction, not a c-section. Or if they can book an or and allow me to push in there before deciding to cut me open then maybe it makes it easier for them to be prepared instead of a crash c-section? I just don't know how the hospitals work. My doctors never listen to me and I want to try my best this time to stand my ground. If they can't give me that I will try to find a new doctor that is closer, I already drive an hour to see her since we moved cities but insurance makes that a tad difficult but not impossible.

I just want to make sure I'm not wrong for trying to stand up for my health care and birth plan. Am I being neglectful to my baby already? Should I just give in and do a c-section to make sure she doesn't get stuck or anything?

Sorry for the long post. Any thoughts or advice would be great. Thank you