Advice on boyfriends Mom

Hi all, a little background info me and my boyfriend are long distance and have been for 3 years, we are planning on moving in together next year once he finishes college. We also visit each other a lot during the year so we will be able to see each other. We just had a visit last week where I visited him and his family that he stays with. Yesterday he had told me that his mom brought our relationship up and told him that I was not good enough for him, she had told him I was fat, called me a gold digger and a leech, said I’m locking him in a relationship with sex, assumed things about my own family, not liking that my parents aren’t together, and thinks I have no ambition because I’m not in college like her son. I begged him to tell me all she had said as he was embarrassed to even tell me. It’s really disgusting and disheartening knowing she feels that way about me, when I’ve tried my best to be as kind as her as I can. I send her messages once in a while asking how she is, even sending her a picture of her son in a frame along with a wind chime. I’m moving up state to get a apartment with him but it makes it hard knowing I won’t have her support. I currently work a good job that I enjoy, but because I’m not a doctor or teacher she doesn’t think it’s good enough. I guess I just want more opinions on what others think about it, if I’m just being over dramatic or what. Please no hate ❤️