Pregnant or not pregnant… 😒

Yasmin • Boy #1: 09/2017 Boy #2: 06/2023 Boy #3: 12/2024

I am extremely confused. I had a missed miscarriage last month. I took the pills to induce the miscarriage and officially miscarried on Sept. 14th. I had a blood draw one week later on Sept. 21st and my HCG levels were down to 19. One week later on Sept. 28th they did another blood draw but only a positive/negative test and said it came back negative.

Around Oct. 5-6th I started cramping pretty bad and figured AF was about to make her reappearance. But the cramps suddenly stopped and nothing came from it, so then I thought maybe I had actually ovulated.

Fast forward to this week. Sunday night, out of pure boredom, I used my OPK strips and HCG strips. There was a ridiculously faint line on the HCG test, I thought I was seeing things. But I’ve been steadily, obsessively, testing multiple times a day since then and the lines are getting darker and darker! I went to VA clinic to get tested. (I don’t have insurance and I need the VA to confirm pregnancy so I can get an OB referral from them.) They first denied me a blood test because they said it had been too soon since the miscarriage (barely almost 5 weeks) but I insisted and almost made a scene. They did a drop urine test and a blood test and they sent urine off for analysis. The drop test was positive and showed a faint line (which I expected as I had already taken numerous home tests by this point). This happened on Tuesday Oct. 18th. I’ve been testing since then with the lines getting darker. Today I talk to the VA and they said the urine test was negative and that my HCG was at 33… I don’t understand how they can call that negative. How do you explain a RISE in HCG levels? Also, on that day I was getting super faint lines while today they are dark.

I’m so lost and confused and feel like I’ve been on a roller coaster this week no don’t know what to believe and I effing hate the VA. I’m getting my own blood draw on Monday to see if my HCG levels are rising or not. And after Nov. 1st I will have insurance and plan on making an appt with my OB. Until then… I’m going out of my mind.

Has anyone else experience this? Rising HCG levels just 5 weeks after miscarriage? What could it be if not a new pregnancy?