💔 💔 TMI


‼️‼️So just went through a missed miscarriage. We was so happy to be pregnant again. testing line getting darker every time…… was due May 12 that would’ve been another great Mother’s Day gift which was on May 14. My significant Birthday was on October 23 and he was very excited. On October 13 our first ultrasound at 10 weeks was scheduled but that day turned to our saddest unforgettable day . There was no baby on ultrasound and I was told by ob that I had what’s called a “Missed Miscarriage” She gave me my option but yet still scared and indecisive. Between that time and October 17 I was having cramping as well as brown discharge. Went to appointment on October 17 told her and she wanted to go the natural way and if nothing by next appointment on October 26 she will do the pill method but she didn’t want to have to perform surgery on me. Well….. that following night of October 18 . The red blood and clots started as well as the cramps . All the days following up was horrible it felt as if I was at-least 7cm dilated and having contractions back to back. No pain medication was working .A lot of crying, a lot of restless nights, drained as I can be, nonstop bleeding and nonstop clots with nonstop cramping . On the night of October 20 at 10:45pm I went to use bathroom laid tissue down as usual to try to keep up with the size of clots something came out and when I got more tissue to grab I realize it was the sac . Our baby finally passed and We was able to see it . As bad as it hurt I felt some kind of comfort that I got to see our baby instead of accidentally flushing it . Our baby was still in there. Not sure when our little one stop developing but we was able to have a moment . I couldn’t take it I wrapped it and gave to my significant other and walked out bathroom crying. I’m still passing clots as well as bleeding but it’s gotten better still in quite a bit of pain but not as much. Wish I could’ve gotten the chance to carry you and hold you in my arms 😢Mommy loves you Always n forever 😔