"Co parenting" and medical decisions

**this post is not about if you are for or against the shot**

Back story- dad went MIA when mom got pregnant, didn't come around until baby was one and was not consistent in child life until about 3. Child is now almost 6 and dad has another child and one on the way with current gf (and one older from previous marriage).. there is a court order for joint legal custody and visitation... dad does not stick to his visitation always, has Never attended child's doctors appointments, and mom can count on one hand how many school/activities he has attended.

Dad texted mom asking when child will get flu shot because he is having a baby and anyone around said baby needs to be up to date.. child typically does not get the flu shot. Not anti vaccine, just the flu shot isn't something we do. Mom tells dad that we don't get those and dad is basically demanding. It isn't about said kid. He isn't approaching the conversation like it's about said child's health. Even said "in the past it was ok that she didn't but now she needs to for the new baby..." mom doesn't want to be a jerk, but also doesn't like the situation. What would you do?

**edited to add that visitation is he gets every other weekend and alternate holidays. In 2022 alone he has missed about 8 of his weekend visits* if she is sick, he doesn't allow her over anyway.