Would you date a guy who doesn’t own a vehicle due to losing his licenses?

I met this guy 2 weeks ago and he seems cool but the only thing is he doesn’t drive. (Mind you I do). We went to the movies last weekend and I ended up driving him back to his home. I offered (He didn’t ask), since he paid for the food and tickets. Well yesterday I asked him if he (knows how to drive or does he have his license) & his response was “ He can drive no license anymore” so I said okok. Honestly it’s kinda a turn off to me because he’s pretty much telling me that he lost it. Things wouldn’t be so bad if he said “No license but I’m working on getting it back” or something to that effect. Would that be a deal breaker too y’all ? I’ve never dated a man without a vehicle. If this guy at least had his license and maybe if things got serious between us we would be able to switch spots if we had to take long road trips..