Could it be trigger?😫


So my clinic called me yesterday to verify my appointment for my beta Monday morning. I was so excited I end up telling her I tested and it was positive. She told me it’s a false positive it’s impossible for me to have positive this early it’s the trigger. I told her I tested at 4dp5dt and got a negative. At 5dp5dt I got a vvvfl. At 6dp5dt I got a positive. She said sometimes that happens with the trigger it’s still false😔. With my first pregnancy I got a positive at 11dpo (wasn’t on any fertility meds) but sadly miscarried. Today at 7dp5dt the line is darker 🤗. It’s been 14 days since my trigger shot. I was so worried after that call I started stressing and having bad anxiety. I’m trying to stay relaxed and positive. But now I can’t wait until Monday for my beta testing. 🤞🏽🙏🏽✨✨✨

Top one is 6dp5dt

Bottom is 7dp6dt