Advice or words of encouragement

I’m posting this anonymously because I’m kind of embarrassed and feel like garbage about the situation. I’m expecting my first baby with boyfriend of a year. Being pregnant and 5 months along, I’ve been in a lot of pain and became a stay at home mom I guess. But I think it’s time to leave my boyfriend. He can be amazing, but he struggles with alcoholism and I don’t want my son around that. I don’t want him to know what it feels like to not be chosen over alcohol. He always says we’ll figure it out and things will get better, but they don’t. But, I’m so scared of doing this on my own and it would be truly on my own. I know now, after me sitting at home in a lot of pain and him choosing to get drunk at a bar, that he isn’t the one for me. But I don’t know how to leave correctly. He works and I stay home. We share money, but technically it’s his. We share a home together, but also technically his. I don’t know what to do and the stress of the situation is causing me to have really really painful Braxton hicks. I guess I’m just looking for advice or words of encouragement right now. Thanks.