Formula feeding mommies, help.


I’m having my second child soon. Never forumla fed my first because he just would not take a bottle. Planning on formula feeding since day 1 for my second. Not that I need to explain myself, but I just can’t deal with the negative Karens in the comments so I will state that my mental health is not at a place for me to breastfeed. I have experienced breastfeeding aversion and even though I stopped breastfeeding my child, I still feel the negative emotions whenever his hands brush over my nipples or when I see other mom’s breastfeeding.

So back to the point, I don’t know a few things about bottle feeding. I just breastfed on demand with my first.

Does this information below seem correct to you? I’ve done some research.

“Up to 2 weeks old - feed every 2/3 hours

2 months 3/4 hours

6 months 4/5 hours

1 week 2 ounces

2 weeks 2-3 ounces

1 month 3-4 ounces

2 months 4-5 ounces

4 months 4-6 ounces

6-12 months 7-8 ounces (this is when you start adding cereal to formula)

Wake newborn every 3 or 4 hours to feed. The older they get, you can extend the hours to feed.”

Looking for any corrections or tips regarding formula feeding. Thank you for reading this post.