Symptoms or am I thinking too much?


We’ve been TTC for our first for 18 months. Aunt Flo is supposed to show in the next 4-5 days. A little TMI, but today I had diarrhea this morning. I’m pretty nauseous. Thinking about things right now just makes me want to gag. Textures of things are making me feel icky. For example, my husband made ramen earlier, and I took a bite. I didn’t realize, but the crackers he threw in were soggy. When I felt them in my mouth it just turned my stomach. Same when I was washing dishes seeing all the leftover food in the sink.

I took a pregnancy test a little bit ago. It was negative. I don’t have sore breasts. It’s just this nausea is strange for me.

It would be nice if I’m just testing too soon 🤞🏻 We have our first consult with the fertility clinic next month. It would be a dream come true if I got pregnant beforehand!